Class StringTemplate

  extended by org.antlr.stringtemplate.StringTemplate

public class StringTemplate
extends java.lang.Object

A StringTemplate is a "document" with holes in it where you can stick values. StringTemplate breaks up your template into chunks of text and attribute expressions. StringTemplate ignores everything outside of attribute expressions, treating it as just text to spit out when you call StringTemplate.toString().

Nested Class Summary
static class StringTemplate.Aggregate
          An automatically created aggregate of properties.
static class StringTemplate.STAttributeList
          Just an alias for ArrayList, but this way I can track whether a list is something ST created or it's an incoming list.
Field Summary
static java.lang.String ANONYMOUS_ST_NAME
protected  java.util.Map argumentContext
          If this template is an embedded template such as when you apply a template to an attribute, then the arguments passed to this template represent the argument context--a set of values computed by walking the argument assignment list.
protected  StringTemplateAST argumentsAST
          If this template is embedded in another template, the arguments must be evaluated just before each application when applying template to a list of values.
protected  java.util.Map attributeRenderers
          A Map that allows people to register a renderer for a particular kind of object to be displayed in this template.
protected  java.util.Map attributes
          Map an attribute name to its value(s).
protected  java.util.List chunks
          A list of alternating string and ASTExpr references.
static StringTemplateGroup defaultGroup
protected  StringTemplate enclosingInstance
          Enclosing instance if I'm embedded within another template.
protected  java.util.LinkedHashMap formalArguments
          When templates are defined in a group file format, the attribute list is provided including information about attribute cardinality such as present, optional, ...
protected  StringTemplateGroup group
          This template was created as part of what group? Even if this template was created from a prototype in a supergroup, its group will be the subgroup.
protected  int groupFileLine
          If this template is defined within a group file, what line number?
protected  boolean isRegion
          Does this template come from a <@region>...<@end> embedded in another template?
protected  java.lang.String name
          What's the name of this template?
protected  StringTemplateGroup nativeGroup
          What group originally defined the prototype for this template? This affects the set of templates I can refer to.
protected  int numberOfDefaultArgumentValues
          How many formal arguments to this template have default values specified?
protected  boolean passThroughAttributes
          Normally, formal parameters hide any attributes inherited from the enclosing template with the same name.
protected  java.lang.String pattern
          The original, immutable pattern/language (not really used again after initial "compilation", setup/parsing).
protected  java.util.List referencedAttributes
protected  int regionDefType
          If someone refs <@r()> in template t, an implicit
protected  java.util.Set regions
          Set of implicit and embedded regions for this template
protected  int templateID
static java.lang.String VERSION
Constructor Summary
          Create a blank template with no pattern and no attributes
StringTemplate(java.lang.String template)
          Create an anonymous template.
StringTemplate(java.lang.String template, java.lang.Class lexer)
StringTemplate(StringTemplateGroup group, java.lang.String template)
          Create an anonymous template with no name, but with a group
StringTemplate(StringTemplateGroup group, java.lang.String template, java.util.HashMap attributes)
Method Summary
 void addChunk(Expr e)
 void addRegionName(java.lang.String name)
protected  void breakTemplateIntoChunks()
          Walk a template, breaking it into a list of chunks: Strings and actions/expressions.
protected  void checkForTrouble()
          Executed after evaluating a template.
protected  void checkNullAttributeAgainstFormalArguments(StringTemplate self, java.lang.String attribute)
          A reference to an attribute with no value, must be compared against the formal parameter to see if it exists; if it exists all is well, but if not, throw an exception.
 boolean containsRegionName(java.lang.String name)
          Does this template ref or embed region name?
 void defineEmptyFormalArgumentList()
 void defineFormalArgument(java.lang.String name)
 void defineFormalArgument(java.lang.String name, StringTemplate defaultValue)
 void defineFormalArguments(java.util.List names)
protected  void dup(StringTemplate from, StringTemplate to)
          Make the 'to' template look exactly like the 'from' template except for the attributes.
 void error(java.lang.String msg)
 void error(java.lang.String msg, java.lang.Throwable e)
 java.lang.Object get(StringTemplate self, java.lang.String attribute)
          Resolve an attribute reference.
 java.util.Map getArgumentContext()
 StringTemplateAST getArgumentsAST()
 java.lang.Object getAttribute(java.lang.String name)
 AttributeRenderer getAttributeRenderer(java.lang.Class attributeClassType)
          What renderer is registered for this attributeClassType for this template.
 java.util.Map getAttributes()
 java.util.List getChunks()
          Get a list of the strings and subtemplates and attribute refs in a template.
 void getDependencyGraph(java.util.Map edges, boolean showAttributes)
          Get a list of n->m edges where template n contains template m.
 StringTemplate getDOTForDependencyGraph(boolean showAttributes)
          Generate a DOT file for displaying the template enclosure graph; e.g., digraph prof { "t1" -> "t2" "t1" -> "t3" "t4" -> "t5" }
 StringTemplate getEnclosingInstance()
 java.lang.String getEnclosingInstanceStackString()
          If an instance of x is enclosed in a y which is in a z, return a String of these instance names in order from topmost to lowest; here that would be "[z y x]".
 java.lang.String getEnclosingInstanceStackTrace()
 StringTemplateErrorListener getErrorListener()
 FormalArgument getFormalArgument(java.lang.String name)
 java.util.Map getFormalArguments()
 StringTemplateGroup getGroup()
 int getGroupFileLine()
          Return the outermost template's group file line number
 StringTemplate getInstanceOf()
          Make an instance of this template; it contains an exact copy of everything (except the attributes and enclosing instance pointer).
 java.lang.String getName()
 StringTemplateGroup getNativeGroup()
 StringTemplate getOutermostEnclosingInstance()
 java.lang.String getOutermostName()
 int getRegionDefType()
 java.lang.String getTemplate()
 java.lang.String getTemplateDeclaratorString()
protected  java.lang.String getTemplateHeaderString(boolean showAttributes)
 int getTemplateID()
static boolean inLintMode()
static boolean isRecursiveEnclosingInstance(StringTemplate st)
          Look up the enclosing instance chain (and include this) to see if st is a template already in the enclosing instance chain.
 boolean isRegion()
 FormalArgument lookupFormalArgument(java.lang.String name)
          From this template upward in the enclosing template tree, recursively look for the formal parameter.
 ASTExpr parseAction(java.lang.String action)
protected  java.lang.String parseAggregateAttributeSpec(java.lang.String aggrSpec, java.util.List properties)
          Split "aggrName.{propName1,propName2}" into list [propName1,propName2] and the aggrName.
 void printDebugString()
protected  void putToMultiValuedMap(java.util.Map map, java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object value)
          Manage a hash table like it has multiple unique values.
 void rawSetArgumentAttribute(StringTemplate embedded, java.util.Map attributes, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Argument evaluation such as foo(x=y), x must be checked against foo's argument list not this's (which is the enclosing context).
protected  void rawSetAttribute(java.util.Map attributes, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Map a value to a named attribute.
 void registerRenderer(java.lang.Class attributeClassType, AttributeRenderer renderer)
          Register a renderer for all objects of a particular type.
 void removeAttribute(java.lang.String name)
 void reset()
static void resetTemplateCounter()
          reset the template ID counter to 0; public so that testing routine can access but not really of interest to the user.
 void setArgumentContext(java.util.Map ac)
 void setArgumentsAST(StringTemplateAST argumentsAST)
 void setAttribute(java.lang.String name, int value)
          Convenience method to box ints
 void setAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Set an attribute for this template.
protected  void setAttribute(java.lang.String aggrSpec, java.lang.Object[] values)
          Create an aggregate from the list of properties in aggrSpec and fill with values from values array.
 void setAttribute(java.lang.String aggrSpec, java.lang.Object v1, java.lang.Object v2)
          Set an aggregate attribute with two values.
 void setAttribute(java.lang.String aggrSpec, java.lang.Object v1, java.lang.Object v2, java.lang.Object v3)
 void setAttribute(java.lang.String aggrSpec, java.lang.Object v1, java.lang.Object v2, java.lang.Object v3, java.lang.Object v4)
 void setAttribute(java.lang.String aggrSpec, java.lang.Object v1, java.lang.Object v2, java.lang.Object v3, java.lang.Object v4, java.lang.Object v5)
 void setAttributeRenderers(java.util.Map renderers)
          Specify a complete map of what object classes should map to which renderer objects.
 void setAttributes(java.util.Map attributes)
 void setDefaultArgumentValues()
          Set any default argument values that were not set by the invoking template or by setAttribute directly.
 void setEnclosingInstance(StringTemplate enclosingInstance)
 void setErrorListener(StringTemplateErrorListener listener)
 void setFormalArguments(java.util.LinkedHashMap args)
 void setGroup(StringTemplateGroup group)
 void setGroupFileLine(int groupFileLine)
 void setIsRegion(boolean isRegion)
static void setLintMode(boolean lint)
          Make StringTemplate check your work as it evaluates templates.
 void setName(java.lang.String name)
 void setNativeGroup(StringTemplateGroup nativeGroup)
 void setPassThroughAttributes(boolean passThroughAttributes)
          Normally if you call template y from x, y cannot see any attributes of x that are defined as formal parameters of y.
 void setPredefinedAttributes()
 void setRegionDefType(int regionDefType)
 void setTemplate(java.lang.String template)
 java.lang.String toDebugString()
 java.lang.String toString()
 java.lang.String toString(int lineWidth)
 java.lang.String toStructureString()
          Don't print values, just report the nested structure with attribute names.
 java.lang.String toStructureString(int indent)
protected  void trackAttributeReference(java.lang.String name)
          Indicates that 'name' has been referenced in this template.
 void warning(java.lang.String msg)
 int write(StringTemplateWriter out)
          Walk the chunks, asking them to write themselves out according to attribute values of 'this.attributes'.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String VERSION
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int REGION_IMPLICIT

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int REGION_EMBEDDED

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int REGION_EXPLICIT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ANONYMOUS_ST_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected java.util.List referencedAttributes


protected java.lang.String name
What's the name of this template?


protected int templateID


protected StringTemplate enclosingInstance
Enclosing instance if I'm embedded within another template. IF-subtemplates are considered embedded as well.


protected java.util.Map argumentContext
If this template is an embedded template such as when you apply a template to an attribute, then the arguments passed to this template represent the argument context--a set of values computed by walking the argument assignment list. For example, would result in an argument context of {[item=name], [foo="x"]} for this template. This template would be the bold() template and the enclosingInstance would point at the template that held that template call. When you want to get an attribute value, you first check the attributes for the 'self' template then the arg context then the enclosingInstance like resolving variables in pascal-like language with nested procedures. With multi-valued attributes such as attribute "i" is set to 1..n.


protected StringTemplateAST argumentsAST
If this template is embedded in another template, the arguments must be evaluated just before each application when applying template to a list of values. The "it" attribute must change with each application so that $names:bold(item=it)$ works. If you evaluate once before starting the application loop then it has a single fixed value. Eval.g saves the AST rather than evaluating before invoking applyListOfAlternatingTemplates(). Each iteration of a template application to a multi-valued attribute, these args are re-evaluated with an initial context of {[it=...], [i=...]}.


protected java.util.LinkedHashMap formalArguments
When templates are defined in a group file format, the attribute list is provided including information about attribute cardinality such as present, optional, ... When this information is available, rawSetAttribute should do a quick existence check as should the invocation of other templates. So if you ref bold(item="foo") but item is not defined in bold(), then an exception should be thrown. When actually rendering the template, the cardinality is checked. This is a Map.


protected int numberOfDefaultArgumentValues
How many formal arguments to this template have default values specified?


protected boolean passThroughAttributes
Normally, formal parameters hide any attributes inherited from the enclosing template with the same name. This is normally what you want, but makes it hard to invoke another template passing in all the data. Use notation now: to say "pass in all data". Works great. Can also say


protected StringTemplateGroup nativeGroup
What group originally defined the prototype for this template? This affects the set of templates I can refer to. super.t() must always refer to the super of the original group. group base; t ::= "base"; group sub; t ::= "super.t()2" group subsub; t ::= "super.t()3"


protected StringTemplateGroup group
This template was created as part of what group? Even if this template was created from a prototype in a supergroup, its group will be the subgroup. That's the way polymorphism works.


protected int groupFileLine
If this template is defined within a group file, what line number?


protected java.lang.String pattern
The original, immutable pattern/language (not really used again after initial "compilation", setup/parsing).


protected java.util.Map attributes
Map an attribute name to its value(s). These values are set by outside code via st.setAttribute(name, value). StringTemplate is like self in that a template is both the "class def" and "instance". When you create a StringTemplate or setTemplate, the text is broken up into chunks (i.e., compiled down into a series of chunks that can be evaluated later). You can have multiple


protected java.util.Map attributeRenderers
A Map that allows people to register a renderer for a particular kind of object to be displayed in this template. This overrides any renderer set for this template's group. Most of the time this map is not used because the StringTemplateGroup has the general renderer map for all templates in that group. Sometimes though you want to override the group's renderers.


protected java.util.List chunks
A list of alternating string and ASTExpr references. This is compiled to when the template is loaded/defined and walked to write out a template instance.


protected int regionDefType
If someone refs <@r()> in template t, an implicit


protected boolean isRegion
Does this template come from a <@region>...<@end> embedded in another template?


protected java.util.Set regions
Set of implicit and embedded regions for this template


public static StringTemplateGroup defaultGroup
Constructor Detail


public StringTemplate()
Create a blank template with no pattern and no attributes


public StringTemplate(java.lang.String template)
Create an anonymous template. It has no name just chunks (which point to this anonymous template) and attributes.


public StringTemplate(java.lang.String template,
                      java.lang.Class lexer)


public StringTemplate(StringTemplateGroup group,
                      java.lang.String template)
Create an anonymous template with no name, but with a group


public StringTemplate(StringTemplateGroup group,
                      java.lang.String template,
                      java.util.HashMap attributes)
Method Detail


public static void resetTemplateCounter()
reset the template ID counter to 0; public so that testing routine can access but not really of interest to the user.


protected void dup(StringTemplate from,
                   StringTemplate to)
Make the 'to' template look exactly like the 'from' template except for the attributes. This is like creating an instance of a class in that the executable code is the same (the template chunks), but the instance data is blank (the attributes). Do not copy the enclosingInstance pointer since you will want this template to eval in a context different from the examplar.


public StringTemplate getInstanceOf()
Make an instance of this template; it contains an exact copy of everything (except the attributes and enclosing instance pointer). So the new template refers to the previously compiled chunks of this template but does not have any attribute values.


public StringTemplate getEnclosingInstance()


public StringTemplate getOutermostEnclosingInstance()


public void setEnclosingInstance(StringTemplate enclosingInstance)


public java.util.Map getArgumentContext()


public void setArgumentContext(java.util.Map ac)


public StringTemplateAST getArgumentsAST()


public void setArgumentsAST(StringTemplateAST argumentsAST)


public java.lang.String getName()


public java.lang.String getOutermostName()


public void setName(java.lang.String name)


public StringTemplateGroup getGroup()


public void setGroup(StringTemplateGroup group)


public StringTemplateGroup getNativeGroup()


public void setNativeGroup(StringTemplateGroup nativeGroup)


public int getGroupFileLine()
Return the outermost template's group file line number


public void setGroupFileLine(int groupFileLine)


public void setTemplate(java.lang.String template)


public java.lang.String getTemplate()


public void setErrorListener(StringTemplateErrorListener listener)


public StringTemplateErrorListener getErrorListener()


public void reset()


public void setPredefinedAttributes()


public void removeAttribute(java.lang.String name)


public void setAttribute(java.lang.String name,
                         java.lang.Object value)
Set an attribute for this template. If you set the same attribute more than once, you get a multi-valued attribute. If you send in a StringTemplate object as a value, it's enclosing instance (where it will inherit values from) is set to 'this'. This would be the normal case, though you can set it back to null after this call if you want. If you send in a List plus other values to the same attribute, they all get flattened into one List of values. This will be a new list object so that incoming objects are not altered. If you send in an array, it is converted to an ArrayIterator.


public void setAttribute(java.lang.String name,
                         int value)
Convenience method to box ints


public void setAttribute(java.lang.String aggrSpec,
                         java.lang.Object v1,
                         java.lang.Object v2)
Set an aggregate attribute with two values. The attribute name must have the format: "name.{propName1,propName2}".


public void setAttribute(java.lang.String aggrSpec,
                         java.lang.Object v1,
                         java.lang.Object v2,
                         java.lang.Object v3)


public void setAttribute(java.lang.String aggrSpec,
                         java.lang.Object v1,
                         java.lang.Object v2,
                         java.lang.Object v3,
                         java.lang.Object v4)


public void setAttribute(java.lang.String aggrSpec,
                         java.lang.Object v1,
                         java.lang.Object v2,
                         java.lang.Object v3,
                         java.lang.Object v4,
                         java.lang.Object v5)


protected void setAttribute(java.lang.String aggrSpec,
                            java.lang.Object[] values)
Create an aggregate from the list of properties in aggrSpec and fill with values from values array. This is not publically visible because it conflicts semantically with setAttribute("foo",new Object[] {...});


protected java.lang.String parseAggregateAttributeSpec(java.lang.String aggrSpec,
                                                       java.util.List properties)
Split "aggrName.{propName1,propName2}" into list [propName1,propName2] and the aggrName. Space is allowed around ','.


protected void rawSetAttribute(java.util.Map attributes,
                               java.lang.String name,
                               java.lang.Object value)
Map a value to a named attribute. Throw NoSuchElementException if the named attribute is not formally defined in self's specific template and a formal argument list exists.


public void rawSetArgumentAttribute(StringTemplate embedded,
                                    java.util.Map attributes,
                                    java.lang.String name,
                                    java.lang.Object value)
Argument evaluation such as foo(x=y), x must be checked against foo's argument list not this's (which is the enclosing context). So far, only eval.g uses arg self as something other than "this".


public java.lang.Object getAttribute(java.lang.String name)


public int write(StringTemplateWriter out)
Walk the chunks, asking them to write themselves out according to attribute values of 'this.attributes'. This is like evaluating or interpreting the StringTemplate as a program using the attributes. The chunks will be identical (point at same list) for all instances of this template.



public java.lang.Object get(StringTemplate self,
                            java.lang.String attribute)
Resolve an attribute reference. It can be in four possible places: 1. the attribute list for the current template 2. if self is an embedded template, somebody invoked us possibly with arguments--check the argument context 3. if self is an embedded template, the attribute list for the enclosing instance (recursively up the enclosing instance chain) 4. if nothing is found in the enclosing instance chain, then it might be a map defined in the group or the its supergroup etc... Attribute references are checked for validity. If an attribute has a value, its validity was checked before template rendering. If the attribute has no value, then we must check to ensure it is a valid reference. Somebody could reference any random value like $xyz$; formal arg checks before rendering cannot detect this--only the ref can initiate a validity check. So, if no value, walk up the enclosed template tree again, this time checking formal parameters not attributes Map. The formal definition must exist even if no value. To avoid infinite recursion in toString(), we have another condition to check regarding attribute values. If your template has a formal argument, foo, then foo will hide any value available from "above" in order to prevent infinite recursion. This method is not static so people can override functionality.


protected void breakTemplateIntoChunks()
Walk a template, breaking it into a list of chunks: Strings and actions/expressions.


public ASTExpr parseAction(java.lang.String action)


public int getTemplateID()


public java.util.Map getAttributes()


public java.util.List getChunks()
Get a list of the strings and subtemplates and attribute refs in a template.


public void addChunk(Expr e)


public void setAttributes(java.util.Map attributes)


public java.util.Map getFormalArguments()


public void setFormalArguments(java.util.LinkedHashMap args)


public void setDefaultArgumentValues()
Set any default argument values that were not set by the invoking template or by setAttribute directly. Note that the default values may be templates. Their evaluation context is the template itself and, hence, can see attributes within the template, any arguments, and any values inherited by the template. Default values are stored in the argument context rather than the template attributes table just for consistency's sake.


public FormalArgument lookupFormalArgument(java.lang.String name)
From this template upward in the enclosing template tree, recursively look for the formal parameter.


public FormalArgument getFormalArgument(java.lang.String name)


public void defineEmptyFormalArgumentList()


public void defineFormalArgument(java.lang.String name)


public void defineFormalArguments(java.util.List names)


public void defineFormalArgument(java.lang.String name,
                                 StringTemplate defaultValue)


public void setPassThroughAttributes(boolean passThroughAttributes)
Normally if you call template y from x, y cannot see any attributes of x that are defined as formal parameters of y. Setting this passThroughAttributes to true, will override that and allow a template to see through the formal arg list to inherited values.


public void setAttributeRenderers(java.util.Map renderers)
Specify a complete map of what object classes should map to which renderer objects.


public void registerRenderer(java.lang.Class attributeClassType,
                             AttributeRenderer renderer)
Register a renderer for all objects of a particular type. This overrides any renderer set in the group for this class type.


public AttributeRenderer getAttributeRenderer(java.lang.Class attributeClassType)
What renderer is registered for this attributeClassType for this template. If not found, the template's group is queried.


public void error(java.lang.String msg)


public void warning(java.lang.String msg)


public void error(java.lang.String msg,
                  java.lang.Throwable e)


public static void setLintMode(boolean lint)
Make StringTemplate check your work as it evaluates templates. Problems are sent to error listener. Currently warns when you set attributes that are not used.


public static boolean inLintMode()


protected void trackAttributeReference(java.lang.String name)
Indicates that 'name' has been referenced in this template.


public static boolean isRecursiveEnclosingInstance(StringTemplate st)
Look up the enclosing instance chain (and include this) to see if st is a template already in the enclosing instance chain.


public java.lang.String getEnclosingInstanceStackTrace()


public java.lang.String getTemplateDeclaratorString()


protected java.lang.String getTemplateHeaderString(boolean showAttributes)


protected void checkNullAttributeAgainstFormalArguments(StringTemplate self,
                                                        java.lang.String attribute)
A reference to an attribute with no value, must be compared against the formal parameter to see if it exists; if it exists all is well, but if not, throw an exception. Don't do the check if no formal parameters exist for this template; ask enclosing.


protected void checkForTrouble()
Executed after evaluating a template. For now, checks for setting of attributes not reference.


public java.lang.String getEnclosingInstanceStackString()
If an instance of x is enclosed in a y which is in a z, return a String of these instance names in order from topmost to lowest; here that would be "[z y x]".


public boolean isRegion()


public void setIsRegion(boolean isRegion)


public void addRegionName(java.lang.String name)


public boolean containsRegionName(java.lang.String name)
Does this template ref or embed region name?


public int getRegionDefType()


public void setRegionDefType(int regionDefType)


public java.lang.String toDebugString()


public java.lang.String toStructureString()
Don't print values, just report the nested structure with attribute names. Follow (nest) attributes that are templates only.


public java.lang.String toStructureString(int indent)


public StringTemplate getDOTForDependencyGraph(boolean showAttributes)
Generate a DOT file for displaying the template enclosure graph; e.g., digraph prof { "t1" -> "t2" "t1" -> "t3" "t4" -> "t5" }


public void getDependencyGraph(java.util.Map edges,
                               boolean showAttributes)
Get a list of n->m edges where template n contains template m. The map you pass in is filled with edges: key->value. Useful for having DOT print out an enclosing template graph. It finds all direct template invocations too like but not indirect ones like <(name)()>. Ack, I just realized that this is done statically and hence cannot see runtime arg values on statically included templates. Hmm...someday figure out to do this dynamically as if we were evaluating the templates. There will be extra nodes in the tree because we are static like method and method[...] with args.


protected void putToMultiValuedMap(java.util.Map map,
                                   java.lang.Object key,
                                   java.lang.Object value)
Manage a hash table like it has multiple unique values. Map.


public void printDebugString()


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public java.lang.String toString(int lineWidth)