Class STGroup

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    STGroupDir, STGroupFile, STGroupString

    public class STGroup
    extends Object
    A directory or directory tree of .st template files and/or group files. Individual template files contain formal template definitions. In a sense, it's like a single group file broken into multiple files, one for each template. ST v3 had just the pure template inside, not the template name and header. Name inside must match filename (minus suffix).
    • Field Detail


        public static final String GROUP_FILE_EXTENSION

        public static final String TEMPLATE_FILE_EXTENSION
      • DICT_KEY

        public static final String DICT_KEY
        When we use key as a value in a dictionary, this is how we signify.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • encoding

        public String encoding
        The encoding to use for loading files. Defaults to UTF-8.
      • importsToClearOnUnload

        protected final List<STGroup> importsToClearOnUnload
      • delimiterStartChar

        public char delimiterStartChar
      • delimiterStopChar

        public char delimiterStopChar
      • dictionaries

        protected Map<String,​Map<String,​Object>> dictionaries
        Maps dictionary names to Map objects representing the dictionaries defined by the user like typeInitMap ::= ["int":"0"].
      • renderers

        protected Map<Class<?>,​AttributeRenderer<?>> renderers
        A dictionary that allows people to register a renderer for a particular kind of object for any template evaluated relative to this group. For example, a date should be formatted differently depending on the locale. You can set Date.class to an object whose toString(Object) method properly formats a Date attribute according to locale. Or you can have a different renderer object for each locale.

        Order of addition is recorded and matters. If more than one renderer works for an object, the first registered has priority.

        Renderer associated with type t works for object o if

          t.isAssignableFrom(o.getClass()) // would assignment t = o work?
        So it works if o is subclass or implements t.

        This structure is synchronized.

      • adaptors

        protected final Map<Class<?>,​ModelAdaptor<?>> adaptors
        A dictionary that allows people to register a model adaptor for a particular kind of object (subclass or implementation). Applies for any template evaluated relative to this group.

        ST initializes with model adaptors that know how to pull properties out of Objects, Maps, and STs.

        The last one you register gets priority; do least to most specific.

      • NOT_FOUND_ST

        protected static final CompiledST NOT_FOUND_ST
        Used to indicate that the template doesn't exist. Prevents duplicate group file loads and unnecessary file checks.

        public static final ErrorManager DEFAULT_ERR_MGR
      • verbose

        public static boolean verbose
        Watch loading of groups and templates.
      • trackCreationEvents

        public static boolean trackCreationEvents
        For debugging with STViz. Records where in code an ST was created and where code added attributes.
      • iterateAcrossValues

        public boolean iterateAcrossValues
        v3 compatibility; used to iterate across Map.values() instead of v4's default Map.keySet(). But to convert ANTLR templates, it's too hard to find without static typing in templates.
      • defaultGroup

        public static STGroup defaultGroup
      • errMgr

        public ErrorManager errMgr
        The ErrorManager for entire group; all compilations and executions. This gets copied to parsers, walkers, and interpreters.
    • Constructor Detail

      • STGroup

        public STGroup()
      • STGroup

        public STGroup​(char delimiterStartChar,
                       char delimiterStopChar)
    • Method Detail

      • getInstanceOf

        public ST getInstanceOf​(String name)
        The primary means of getting an instance of a template from this group. Names must be absolute, fully-qualified names like /a/b.
      • createSingleton

        public ST createSingleton​(org.antlr.runtime.Token templateToken)
        Create singleton template for use with dictionary values.
      • isDefined

        public boolean isDefined​(String name)
        Is this template defined in this group or from this group below? Names must be absolute, fully-qualified names like /a/b.
      • lookupTemplate

        public CompiledST lookupTemplate​(String name)
        Look up a fully-qualified name.
      • load

        protected CompiledST load​(String name)
        Load st from disk if directory or load whole group file if .stg file (then return just one template). name is fully-qualified.
      • load

        public void load()
        Force a load if it makes sense for the group.
      • isReservedCharacter

        public static boolean isReservedCharacter​(char c)
        Determines if a specified character may be used as a user-specified delimiter.
        c - The character
        true if the character is reserved by the StringTemplate language; otherwise, false if the character may be used as a delimiter.
      • lookupImportedTemplate

        protected CompiledST lookupImportedTemplate​(String name)
      • isDictionary

        public boolean isDictionary​(String name)
      • defineTemplate

        public CompiledST defineTemplate​(String fullyQualifiedTemplateName,
                                         org.antlr.runtime.Token nameT,
                                         List<FormalArgument> args,
                                         String template,
                                         org.antlr.runtime.Token templateToken)
      • defineTemplateAlias

        public CompiledST defineTemplateAlias​(org.antlr.runtime.Token aliasT,
                                              org.antlr.runtime.Token targetT)
        Make name and alias for target. Replace any previous definition of name.
      • defineRegion

        public CompiledST defineRegion​(String enclosingTemplateName,
                                       org.antlr.runtime.Token regionT,
                                       String template,
                                       org.antlr.runtime.Token templateToken)
      • defineTemplateOrRegion

        public void defineTemplateOrRegion​(String fullyQualifiedTemplateName,
                                           String regionSurroundingTemplateName,
                                           org.antlr.runtime.Token templateToken,
                                           String template,
                                           org.antlr.runtime.Token nameToken,
                                           List<FormalArgument> args)
      • rawDefineTemplate

        public void rawDefineTemplate​(String name,
                                      CompiledST code,
                                      org.antlr.runtime.Token defT)
      • undefineTemplate

        public void undefineTemplate​(String name)
      • getMangledRegionName

        public static String getMangledRegionName​(String enclosingTemplateName,
                                                  String name)
        The "foo" of t() ::= "<@foo()>" is mangled to "/region__/t__foo"
      • getUnMangledTemplateName

        public static String getUnMangledTemplateName​(String mangledName)
        Return "" from "/region__/t__foo"
      • defineDictionary

        public void defineDictionary​(String name,
                                     Map<String,​Object> mapping)
        Define a map for this group.

        Not thread not keep adding these while you reference them.

      • importTemplates

        public void importTemplates​(STGroup g)
        Make this group import templates/dictionaries from g.

        On unload imported templates are unloaded but stay in the imports list.

      • importTemplates

        public void importTemplates​(org.antlr.runtime.Token fileNameToken)
        Import template files, directories, and group files. Priority is given to templates defined in the current group; this, in effect, provides inheritance. Polymorphism is in effect so that if an inherited template references template t() then we search for t() in the subgroup first.

        Templates are loaded on-demand from import dirs. Imported groups are loaded on-demand when searching for a template.

        The listener of this group is passed to the import group so errors found while loading imported element are sent to listener of this group.

        On unload imported templates are unloaded and removed from the imports list.

        This method is called when processing import statements specified in group files. Use importTemplates(STGroup) to import templates 'programmatically'.

      • importTemplates

        protected void importTemplates​(STGroup g,
                                       boolean clearOnUnload)
      • getImportedGroups

        public List<STGroup> getImportedGroups()
      • loadGroupFile

        public void loadGroupFile​(String prefix,
                                  String fileName)
        Load a group file with full path fileName; it's relative to root by prefix.
      • loadAbsoluteTemplateFile

        public CompiledST loadAbsoluteTemplateFile​(String fileName)
        Load template file into this group using absolute fileName.
      • loadTemplateFile

        public CompiledST loadTemplateFile​(String prefix,
                                           String unqualifiedFileName,
                                           org.antlr.runtime.CharStream templateStream)
        Load template stream into this group. unqualifiedFileName is "". The prefix is path from group root to unqualifiedFileName like "/subdir" if file is in /subdir/
      • registerModelAdaptor

        public <T> void registerModelAdaptor​(Class<T> attributeType,
                                             ModelAdaptor<? super T> adaptor)
        Add an adaptor for a kind of object so ST knows how to pull properties from them. Add adaptors in increasing order of specificity. ST adds Object, Map, ST, and Aggregate model adaptors for you first. Adaptors you add have priority over default adaptors.

        If an adaptor for type T already exists, it is replaced by the adaptor argument.

        This must invalidate cache entries, so set your adaptors up before calling ST.render() for efficiency.

      • getModelAdaptor

        public <T> ModelAdaptor<? super T> getModelAdaptor​(Class<T> attributeType)
      • registerRenderer

        public <T> void registerRenderer​(Class<T> attributeType,
                                         AttributeRenderer<? super T> r)
        Register a renderer for all objects of a particular "kind" for all templates evaluated relative to this group. Use r to render if object in question is an instance of attributeType. Recursively set renderer into all import groups.
      • registerRenderer

        public <T> void registerRenderer​(Class<T> attributeType,
                                         AttributeRenderer<? super T> r,
                                         boolean recursive)
      • getAttributeRenderer

        public <T> AttributeRenderer<? super T> getAttributeRenderer​(Class<T> attributeType)
        Get renderer for class T associated with this group.

        For non-imported groups and object-to-render of class T, use renderer (if any) registered for T. For imports, any renderer set on import group is ignored even when using an imported template. You should set the renderer on the main group you use (or all to be sure). I look at import groups as "helpers" that should give me templates and nothing else. If you have multiple renderers for String, say, then just make uber combined renderer with more specific format names.

      • createStringTemplate

        public ST createStringTemplate​(CompiledST impl)
      • createStringTemplateInternally

        public ST createStringTemplateInternally​(CompiledST impl)
        Differentiate so we can avoid having creation events for regions, map operations, and other implicit "new ST" events during rendering.
      • createStringTemplateInternally

        public ST createStringTemplateInternally​(ST proto)
      • getName

        public String getName()
      • getFileName

        public String getFileName()
      • getRootDirURL

        public URL getRootDirURL()
        Return root dir if this is group dir; return dir containing group file if this is group file. This is derived from original incoming dir or filename. If it was absolute, this should come back as full absolute path. If only a URL is available, return URL of one dir up.
      • getURL

        public URL getURL​(String fileName)
      • getTemplateNames

        public Set<String> getTemplateNames()